Fine Linen Napkin from Joachim von Ribbentrop’s (Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs) Effects Captured by Lt. Col. Howard E. Goldsmith Jr. This piece measures 16 by 16 inches and is in excellent condition and was obtained with about 25 others from the widow of Lt. Col. Goldsmith in about the year 2000. Many of the others have by now been dispersed into collections but I have been able to obtain a few. Lt. Col. Goldsmith was known for liberating several trunks and suitcases (while a Captain serving in the 44th Division) from the Hotel Krone in Umhausen, Austria on May 5, 1945. Among these items were tunics, Ribbentrop’s personal medals, many one of a kind made just for him, firearms, his dress dagger. I will include a few pages of photocopied information on the Lt. Col. and the items he found. I have a few of these napkins left. (os)